Monday, January 20, 2014

I Now Know That Feel, 2013

2013 was one of those years that I will remember for quite a while. With everyone reflecting on the past and looking to the future, it seems like I'm jumping on the nostalgia bandwagon. Back in August, though, I already had a feeling that 2013 was going to be a great year so I was in a pre-nostalgic mood. As it turns out, it was a great year (besides the very last day). Also, because 2014 has started off so shittily, I actually can't talk about all of the great things that happened. I can say that I had a great time at conferences, went to Chicago, and went to Phoenix. We'll leave the rest off for now. Who knew that the year after the Mayan calendar ended would be so great? Through this past year, I have come to appreciate my friendships and appreciate how much I've grown since moving to Kansas City, and since losing Mom and Dad.

Side note: did You know that, Years ago, the English Language capitalized every Noun? Funny, eh?

Another funny thing? "I know that feel"
It's a new way (though it's already got dust on it) to say, "I understand that feeling" or "I empathize with that." I've said it before, and up until recently, it was a straight lie. I haven't really had the capacity to fully feel feelings or express them for quite some time. Back when I was seeing a therapist (WUT?), he had told me that, because of the timing of my parents' deaths, my brain's development was slightly stunted, impairing more complex processes such as feeling, understanding, and expressing emotions. I'm not sorry if this comes as a shock to you; it's not something I've openly discussed. Who wants to talk to a guy with his own plane of checked baggage?

So, yes, I finally know that feel. What's even better is that I can express how I feel. Pssh, I'm just a guy; I have no feelings. Well, if you think that way, we're probably not friends. I feel like a complete person now. I know who I am; I know what I want, and I'll be damned if I don't get it. Now that I've come so far, though, my emotions have been tested. I have a lot of stuff going on, and I know I have the support of the right people.

I cherish my friendships, as long as the other parties cherish them, too. It's hard to have a friendship when there is no communication. Plus, if you have been a part of my life during the past year or so, you have experienced me while I've probably been at my best. Do you know that feel? Because I sure as hell do.


I'd love to tell you more about my year in person; I think I did ok. I mean, I didn't do Jared Balfort well, but I made it through. Maybe I'll post some pictures from Phoenix/Chicago later. I hope everyone's 2013 was as good as mine. Cheers!

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