It's the most wonderful time of the year: Conference Season. I love working in libraries, but this is my time of year. At conferences, you can learn new things. You can meet new people. You can see new places. For me, this is the time of year where I get inspired. In fact, projects that I have started at MCPL can be attributed, at least in part, to the wealth of ideas that were shared at previous conferences.
This year was different. Yes, I went for the ideas and networking, but I was also supposed to start getting a feel for how the conference happens. Since I'm coordinating (along with the fabulous Kelly from Kansas) the 2015 joint conference of KLA & MLA, I had to start getting things together. So, my first stop was MLA.
Tuesday: I was invited to the annual Board dinner before the conference. I arrived and saw many people whom I recognized, and even helped a colleague crash the invite-only dinner! In my/his defense, there was food that was going to go to waste, and we can't have that. Well, he crashed and Barbara Stripling, ALA President, ended up sitting next to him. After the dinner, we moved over to the students' reception WITH DESSERT. While there, Barbara and I talked for what must have been an hour! If you haven't met her or read anything about her, you should. She's an awesome, AWESOME lady and I am proud that she is at the head of such a wonderful organization. I think I'm a fangirl.
Uh... I just met and talked with the president of ALA, Barbara Stripling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Dan (@kasmsod) October 2, 2013
#molib2013 Dessert Social for ALA President Barbara Stripling and LIS students, I kept trying to look beautiful for the photographer, but I must have let down my guard for that pic. However, there lies the PROOF.
— cnpryor01 (@cnpryor01) October 2, 2013
Wednesday was fairly uneventful (as uneventful as it could have been). I went to a nice presentation on Outreach to the Blind, and was sure to catch the Keynote address BY BARBARA STRIPLING. This was my 3rd MLA Conference, but only my first Keynote. Barbara spoke about her/ALA's initiative, "Declaring Our Right to Libraries." It's pretty powerful stuff. Libraries change lives, enrich communities, and are a necessity in the world. Read more about it here. That night I participated in Battledecks, a PowerPoint Karaoke of sorts involving random slides and contestants trying to bring them together in a cohesive theme. I didn't place, but I got to enjoy a lot of Cardinals gifs and dance on a stage, which is ALWAYS a good night.
Oh, and St. Louis Public Library's newly renovated Central Branch is AMAZING. Like Gerald Brooks said, "It's amazing what $55 million can do."
Thursday: Thursday is when everything happened. I presented for the first time, along with Jennifer on Making the Transition from Trainee to Trainer. Then, after learning about integrating science into preschool events and librarian trading cards, we headed up to the room and changed into our Cardinals' attire for the annual business meeting. Life Pro Tip: Don't yawn while sitting near the front of the meeting AND within direct line of sight of the President; they'll call you out on it.
After that, it was time to eat. We shot up to the 12th floor to eat at Kobe, and we were easily the loudest people there. Hibachi takes time, and we didn't make it back quite soon enough for me to see all of the awards given out. However, I was coerced to sit at a table (instead of in back) for the awards. I just wanted to sneak in, watch, and sneak out. Well, as I'm getting up to leave, Candice wants me to come with her to check on everyone. Next thing I know, I'm being introduced to State Senators in my Cardinals shirt, shorts, and boat shoes. I was told later that they won't remember the way anyone was dressed. FALSE; they will definitely remember the DUDE that came in to a formal dinner with a t-shirt and shorts on.
Then there were random people coming up to meet me.
Then there was the dance party, and photo booth.
Then there was the hotel bar and a night spent with Gentleman Jack.
Then the cops came to break up the loud librarians at 1:30 in the morning.
Then there were the free drink glasses.
Then I died temporarily until 8:30 this morning when I ate breakfast by myself. It was nice to have a little bit of down time. I felt like I was constantly talking with people (I probably was).
Friday: After that breakfast, I stopped in on the final "Web/Tech Tools that Make You Look Cool" by the magnificent Cindy Dudenhoffer, and then proceeded to catch the end of the Performers' Showcase.
Can I live at conference forever? #molib20132015 is going to be amazing, guys. Stay tuned. For me, it's on to Hot Springs, Arkansas for a second helping of our presentation.
— Dan (@kasmsod) October 4, 2013
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