Thursday, July 5, 2012


This year's Summer Reading Program is a departure from previous years.  Instead of evaluating success by the number of library books checked out and read, MCPL switched to a less restricting format: children and teens can read books from anywhere, not just the library.  This shift is important because the aim of SRP should never be circulation boosts; it should be improved literacy.

Improved literacy is not exactly easy to measure.  It's not a quantitative factor; it's qualitative.  In this way, it is harder to measure the success of an outreach program, our recent outreach program to the area school district.  I did anyway.

The numbers are in, and it was an overwhelming success!  We signed up 104 students for library cards.  116 kids signed up for Summer Reading.  111 SRP prizes were awarded.  And just because we brought the library to their school, I counted the books circulated too: 508.

You know the best part?  The real way that I measured success?  Without us, these kids may not have had this opportunity to read or win prizes.  Plus, it's pretty cool when students recognize me at the library and tell me about the book they're reading.

Hopefully, this is just the beginning.  Not bad for a month's work!

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