We all have car problems, sooner or later. When those problems pop up, it’s always nice to have the resources to fix them. If you’re the hands on type of person, we offer three automotive databases to help you in your times of need.
The Auto Repair Reference Center and ChiltonLibrary.com are accessible from home. They offer wiring charts, step by step repair procedures, and even videos to help with your maintenance. Both services cover most makes and models back to 1945.
If you find yourself at the library, you can use Mitchell 1 OnDemand5.com. It has extensive information for many makes and models.
As always, if you need assistance with any of these services, feel free to ask at our circulation desk! Good luck with those repairs.
All of the aforementioned resources can be accessed from mymcpl.org with a valid library card. I do *NOT* love my job at all. Yes, that was sarcasm.
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