I was raised Roman Catholic. I did *NOT* have nuns for teachers, though my brother did, but I did have to go to mass first thing every morning. Being Catholic gives you an interesting perspective on things. When I was in school, I learned that a lot of things were seen as wrong. The school did not teach this, but it was learned nonetheless. Anyway, certain things tend to carry a stigma with them, like divorce. Divorce is a big one because I was taught that it was against the religion.
Two years ago, I got married to the girl that I thought that I would spend the rest of my life with. However, that’s not exactly how things turned out, and we later got divorced. It’s a sore subject because it’s not really a desirable trait. If I meet someone and small talk ensues, I don’t want to be a divorced librarian. That sounds horrible! Besides, I don’t want to be associated with that stigma that was drummed into my brain.
Talking to a couple friends, I realized that it’s not exactly laid out that way. I am a librarian who happens to have an ex-wife. Everyone has stuff, and I guess my stuff is bigger than most. What matters is that I am happy, and I really think I am. Someone else told me recently that I shouldn’t waste my life. They said that if I’m not happy that I should do something to change it. I have and I will in the future too.
It’s not like I was ever miserable. We spent 6 years of our lives together, and that’s a lot (relatively speaking). I know that I’m not the greatest person to be around all the time; none of us are. I learned things that she taught me, and others that she didn’t. I hope that I had the same effect on her; that’s all I can hope for. Most importantly, I think we may have learned more about ourselves than anyone else. A chapter begun in my life with her, and that chapter has since closed. I guess it’s time to move on through the book. (You know I had to get a librarian quip in there somewhere.)
So, I am *NOT* a divorced librarian. I am a male librarian who loves his job and happens to have an ex-wife.