When I started at Mid-Continent Public Library in 2008, I had no idea what to expect.
By the end of my second week, I realized that I wanted to make libraries my career.
Three years later, I was given the opportunity to move forward with that career when I became an Assistant Branch Manager.
Moving up is great, and I'm sure I will move forward career-wise, but I can't tell you how fortunate I feel to work in libraries because of the "bonus" things I've done. There are so many things that I have experienced that I never would have if I had chosen a different path. I helped with the Wall that Heals in Blue Springs. I was suckered into theatre because of my connections through the library. I joined the chamber of commerce and met some really great people, too. I have experienced three library conferences that just blew me away. Not only did I learn and apply some really neat things, but I also met some great people that I'm sure will be in my life for years to come. I've been in multiple parades and one time I was the book cart drill team leader! I watched a veteran's round table at the Veteran's Salute last weekend and learned about a Vietnam veteran who actually got help for his nightmares. Of course, I've witnessed the impact that libraries have in communities, too. That Summer Outreach Program was incredible, and I smile every time a student comes in and says, "You were at my school!"
Sure, I've had some rough days. It's also been tough to adjust to the whole management thing. Through it all, though, these gems of the library see me through to the next day, and they will keep me going throughout my career.
I feel weird talking about my career. I don't feel like I'm old enough to have an established career, but I also feel like I do have one. I hope I'm not making anyone jealous, but, then again, I hope people are jealous. I'm lucky and selfish about it. :-)